It's been a hectic September. This is the latest fall in my living memory. Usually we have our first frost early in September, but here it is October 1 with no frost yet. The overnight low tonight is 1C, though, and comparable lows are forecast for the upcoming week, so it seems likely this weather is here to stay.
I've been busy canning and freezing, picking and sorting, pulling and composting. I got a terrific harvest this year, particularly of tomatoes; but I managed to put up 8quarts of dill pickles and 33 half-pints of salsa (so far, there's definitely more to come). I've also frozen 16lb of beans, about 60lb of zucchini, 5+ gallons of bortsch. The dogs and I are ready for winter!
About a week ago, I noticed the late afternoon light was perfect for photos, so I whipped out my camera. It is such a blessing to still have flowers and produce this late in the year! But, I didn't have a chance to download until this evening. These are probably the last photos of my garden from 2009, so enjoy!